Business Formation
At the Law Office of Andrew L. Barrett, P.C., we can help business owners and entrepreneurs navigate the complex and important legal issues that come with starting a business. The legal structure that a business is based on provides legal protection and other benefits, so making the right choice for your business is vital to ensure your business's continuing success.
For business formation in Massachusetts, whether in Boston or anywhere on the South Shore, there are multiple options for business types and each type has different tax benefits, corporate expenses, corporate reporting, and personal liability.
A few types of businesses we can help form and register include:
- Sole Proprietorship
- Closely Held Companies
- LLCs or Limited Liability Companies
- LLPs or Limited Liability Partnerships
- S Corporations
- C Corporations
Reach out today for help creating your business or protecting an existing business through the creation of a legal business formation.
The legal challenges and aspects of owning a business do not cease upon creating a business entity. Contracts are vital to doing business, whether you own a small, local company or a large, worldwide corporation. Contracts can quickly become complex and are often written in 'legalese' that make it challenging for even a sophisticated business owner to understand the fine print.
Having an attorney review or draft important contracts for your business can save substantial headaches down the line. Whether it is a one-time contract for a major business decision such as a merge or transfer, or a simple repeat form that your business will be using again and again, having an attorney create or review the document will be vital to your success.